Videos Compiled...Post Chase Blues Easing

Posted on 17th June, 2016

It's been about 3 weeks since I've returned from the USA from this year's storm chase. I have finally gotten back into the swing of working again, lost the jet lag and become Jason the optometrist again.  I think I was a bit ambitious, by working a full diary the moment I got back, but it really has helped me adjust back to my normal lifestyle.


I have also managed to compile most of the videos of this year's chase.  The previous blog post shows the amazing day we had chasing from Minneola to Dodge City in Kansas on May 24th, with my latest narrated video being of completely different tone to that of the Bennington to Chapman tornado filmed on May 25th.  I actually felt the same feelings of dread compiling this latest video and you can even hear some of my emotion when narrating it. The video can be seen on YouTube, but I have embedded the video here for your convenience.  



I have also been able to work on the website as a whole and think of a direction to take it now my storm season has ended for 2016.  For starters, I feel that the occasional storm post will occur - whenever things happen relating to Storm Chase 2017 (less than 48 weeks away...) or may just post the occasional post explaining different types of storm weather and the science behind it.  We shall see.  I have so far compiled a video page, where all my videos can be found easily - the page can be accessed by clicking HERE.  I have also uploaded the photograph highlights and they can be seen in the new photo gallery, which can be accessed by clicking HERE.


2016 Photo GalleryStorm Video Gallery

Finally, there will be some new content topics arriving on here very soon. I want to relate my work into highlighting the importance of eyecare and having regular eye exams.  I will be trying to mix in some optometry content (maybe a blog and some podcasts), but also realise that after chasing these incredible storms this year, I need some excitment to keep me going through the year.  There will be an "action" blog on the way - where I aim to, at least once a month, do an exciting activity (not limited to things like paintballing/quad biking/archery/parkour etc) and try to get some video content.  It isn't quite storms, but it should provide some entertainment nonetheless.  It really is a case of watching the site for updates. 


Meanwhile...I need to return to sorting out my tax return for the year - all setting me up for the need to to find something to get the adrenaline going again.  Until the next post, keep safe!

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