School Library Opening...and Even More Tornadoes...

Posted on 30th November, 2016

Today is a new day in promoting the beauty of storms and the thrills of storm chasing. I felt very honoured in being a guest at the primary school (that I left 16 years ago!) to see them open up their new library.  As part of their opening, they had a storytime evening and the teachers read stories to the students to set the mood for their fantastic new facility. Part of my visit was to tell my story of how I got involved with storms and tell some of my adventures whilst being a guest on a tour.


I'm usually quite apprehensive when it comes to talking in front of people (and, if you have watched my chase videos, I can get quite anxious even narrating!) Loading a video to their interactive whiteboard and thinking of the best way to introduce myself and topic, I ended up throwing myself into the basics of chasing and the wonders of the storms. They seemed to be amazed with footage of hailstones, lightning and of course, the multiple tornadoes that I have managed to film over the last two tours. 


Questions were saved until the end and unfortunately I only had time to answer two of them (which was a real shame as I have never seen a whole class want to ask a question before!)  The time was short as the grand opening of the library doors was scheduled soon after my slot. Inside the library, 3 photographs of mine were framed and placed in a reading corner. I was made up!


Photographs framed at Abbotswood Primary School

 Framed photos on display at Abbotswood Primary School. Leoti and Dodge City chase days


Ocoee Tornado November 29th 2016

It would seem the southern states are taking a real battering over the last few days with many tornadoes being reported. As I write this, I heard of another tornado that hit Ocoee (Tennessee), damaging properties, destroying a post office and killing a husband and wife. The total confirmed tornadoes from yesterday is set at four (despite earlier estimates of a potential six in the last blog post).  The death toll had risen to five. This is really heartbreaking and just goes to show the deadly nature of these fascinating storms.


More on this story can be found here on the Times Free Press.


Atlanta Tornado November 30th 2016

Further to the above, a confirmed tornado was sighted about 9 miles north of Atlanta (Georgia) today at approximately 1:50 pm local time. Two other tornadoes were also confirmed by radar in this area.  Full details and how the events unfolded can be found on the website.


As far as I can tell, this video is of one of the tornadoes that touched down near Atlanta today. Credit to ESPN Videos on Youtube.


Embedded video shows one of the tornadoes that touched down near Atlanta, Georgia, today. Source: ESPN Videos on Youtube


With wildfires, droughts, floods and these severe storms, it would seem that disasters are striking the southern states in Biblical fashion. I hope things settle for them all soon!


I will keep you all posted!


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